
Feet of Cheese - You know you love it!

(c) Feet of Cheese (2000)


A lovely naked piece.

Just like an old womans legs, wonderful!

of Blue veined Stilton.


The ultimate Brit...

Crumbley, eh Grommit?

Tasty Blue Wensleydale.


Fancy a tasty bit of European 

Oui Oui, bein, boucoup du fromarge!

Well here is a selection of Frenchie delicacies.


How about a something from an old sitcom?

Stick some bolts on it and hey presto!

Will a Munster do you? Or will you do it?


They say that the Italians have great taste, well have a look at this beauty.

Square=Nerdy, like a school girl???

Something you wish you could get down with, but possible a bit nerdy! - Square Taleggio.